Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy and Sad

Well it has happened.  Michael is not going to be able to go to Disney World with us. 

I am so extremely happy for him.  He started a new job back in Feb and he has not been happy with it just about right from the start.  So he has been sending out resumes, and applying, and interviewing like crazy.  And he never gave up despite a few disappointments.  And now he has gotten an offer for a job that he really thinks will be a lot better.  So of course I am extremely pleased and proud!

But unfortunately they want him to start Nov 29th and he doesn't want to say no, so of course he won't be able to go to Florida the following week.  And I am sad.  I completely understand, and I am so happy for him, but I am sad.  But that is how life goes.  You try to bring up your children to be successful and independent, and then if your lucky that is what happens.  So you just have to be proud.  Even if you are sad.

So enough about that topic.  I tried on the ill fated Stitch shirt and it just wasn't going to cut it on me, so I had to salvage it yet again.  I used Lil Blue Boo's Recycled Sienna Dress pattern to upcycle it into a comfy girl's dress or nightgown.
Very cute, not sure if Hayley will want to wear it, so it may be up for grabs.  We will see.

Also up for grabs will be one Mens size Medium Chef Mickey's t-shirt in Royal Blue, as I am sure Michael would not wear this outside of Disney World and I don't know who would.  Maybe it will end up useful for a Big Give some day, but if any of my Dis friends are in need or want of it just let me know.  It is the blue one in this picture.

I will also eventually have to decide what to do with the rest of the t-shirts I made him.  I made this hitchhiking ghosts one just before I found out for sure he isn't coming.  There are a couple I think he might wear so I will send him those, but the rest I will save for a big give or to upcycle/recycle into something else at some point.  Thankfully these t-shirts cost $2 or even less sometimes, so it is not a big loss or anything.

Also, I bought a new camera this past week and hadn't really had any opportunities to play with it and make sure I like it so I took it outside today and took a few pictures.  It has a 24x optical zoom lens, so I wanted to test that out and also see if the image stabilization really worked.

Here is a picture of our house taken from the street.  There is a squirrel's nest in the tree that is sort of centered if you look in a line from the top of the garage (you may want to click on the photo to enlarge it to see it better).

And here is the squirrel's nest taken from the same location zoomed in:

I think it came out extremely clear for being zoomed in that much.  Cool.   Still need to keep playing, but so far I think I like it.  Here are a few other shots I took today outside.  These were all taken in auto mode, I am not up on all of the manual settings yet.

And last for today, I did finish the sweatshirt I wanted to make for myself.  It came out pretty good and I like it, so I will definitely wear it in Dec if it is chilly out, which I expect it will be especially in the evenings.

So that's it for today.  Gotta go for a walk and enjoy what is likely the last weekend of nice weather we may see for awhile.

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